15 Jun 2014

The Immigration Pony in Eric Cantor’s Defeat: Angelo A. Paparelli

"Immigration reform is not dead because Americans, by an overwhelming margin of 62% in recent polling, favor enacting a pathway to citizenship for undocumented people in our country.  It is not dead because the following problems will not go away merely because 7,200 or so Republicans in Virginia tossed out Eric Cantor (who — unlike steadfast reformer Lindsey Graham, a victor in his GOP primary — blew hot and cold on amnesty versus reform):

These problems will only fester until our politicians realize that the American people have had enough.  Meantime, advocates for reform will continue pushing, while opponents use the techniques of distortion and diversion to forestall the inevitable.  Leaders will emerge.  As Steve Case reminded us with the words of Nelson Mandela, “it always seems impossible, until it’s done.” " - Angelo A. Paparelli, June 14, 2014.