05 Oct 2016

“The Art of the Deal” Coauthor Tony Schwartz to Donate $55K to NILC

NILC, Oct. 4, 2016- "Tony Schwartz, who coauthored “The Art of the Deal” with Donald Trump, and national leaders from the Muslim, civil rights, and immigrant communities on Tuesday called for an end to the politics of division that has whipped up fear and hate of immigrants and communities of color.

With the Nov. 8 election only five weeks away, the organizations called on all candidates and office-holders to break their silence and condemn the political rhetoric that has unleashed prejudice and hate across the country, and urged voters to demand unity and renewed efforts toward racial healing.

Joining Schwartz were Marielena Hincapié, executive director of National Immigration Law Center – Immigrant Justice Fund (NILC-IJF); Linda Sarsour, cofounder and director of MPower Change; Wade Henderson, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights; Cristina Jimenez,cofounder and director of United We Dream Action; and Alex Nogales, president and CEO of the National Hispanic Media Coalition and organizer of Coalition Against Hate.

Schwartz coauthored Trump’s biography by closely observing him, and began speaking out against Trump after watching the businessman call Mexicans criminals and rapists during the first speech of his presidential campaign. Since then, Trump’s divisive rhetoric has only become more heated.

Schwartz announced today that he will donate approximately $55,000 to the National Immigration Law Center and its Immigrant Justice Fund, and he challenged Trump to do the same."