06 Mar 2017

State-by-State UPIL Overview: CLINIC Legal

AILA & CLINIC Legal, Feb. 2017 - "The “Unauthorized Practice of Immigration Law (UPIL): A State-by-State Overview of Legal Mechanisms to Combat these Deceptive Practices” resource is intended for immigration attorneys, recognized and accredited representative, and community-based organizations assisting noncitizen clients who have been victims of unauthorized practice of immigration law. Unauthorized practitioners of immigration law are often referred to as “notarios,” which is notary public in Spanish, or immigration “consultants.” These individuals can delay immigration matters, at best, and pose a threat to the ability of a noncitizen to successfully qualify for immigration benefits, at worst. Victims of unauthorized practice of immigration law also face indescribable loss, including dashed hopes for legal status in the United States, depletion of limited financial resources, and possibly deportation from the United States."