11 Jun 2013

Shootings by CBP Agents Increase Border Tensions

"As rocks hurled from Mexico rained down on United States Border Patrol agents one night last October, at least one of the agents drew his gun and fired across the border, striking a teenager 11 times, 7 times in the back.  The boy, José Antonio Elena Rodriguez, 16, collapsed and died on a cracked sidewalk blocks from his home, under a sign that read “emergencias médicas.”  The police in Nogales, Mexico, reported that he had been carrying only a cellphone.  The shooting was not an isolated case.  He was one of at least 15 people killed by border agents in the Southwest since January 2010, their deaths a jolt to the careful balance of sovereignty and security that underlies a binational debate over immigration reform." - Fernanda Santos, New York Times, June 10, 2013.