16 Apr 2013

Senators Reveal Immigration Bill; Too Stringent, Advocates Say

"Under the proposal, undocumented immigrants who came to the United States before December 31, 2011, and had stayed in the country continuously could apply for "provisional" legal status as soon as six months after the bill is signed by the president.  But beyond that, they would have to wait a decade or more for full citizenship which would entitle them to federal benefits, while the government works on further securing U.S. borders and enforcing the new immigration law." - Reuters, Apr. 16, 2013.

"Ahead of the expected release Tuesday of a sweeping bipartisan proposal to revamp the nation’s immigration laws, faith-based and civil liberties groups began calling for changes, singling out the proposed path to citizenship for illegal immigrants as too stringent, while a key Republican senator said lawmakers need to be “realistic” about creating such a path." - WaPo, Apr. 16, 2013.