02 Mar 2014

Secrecy at the Border

This episode of On the Media (Feb. 28, 2014, 52 minutes total audio) has several excellent segments, including:

Investigating Use of Force at the Border: "recent investigation from The Arizona Republic found that since 2005, at least 42 people have been killed by US Customs and Border Protection agents.  But getting information about those incidents is no easy task.  Bob [Garfield] speaks with Bob Ortega, one of the reporters behind the investigation, about the difficulty in getting answers on use of force at the border."


Invasive Cavity Search at the Border: ""Jane Doe" is a 54-year old US citizen who was crossing into the US at the Juarez / El Paso border when agents took her aside for secondary screening.  The screening ended up being 6 hours of invasive cavity searches — which yielded nothing and left her traumatized.  Bob [Garfield] speaks with Laura Schauer Ives, an ACLU attorney for Jane Doe about what happened at the border that day."