04 Oct 2012

Rock the (Naturalized) Vote

"Today, the CSII launches an interactive, online mapping tool that identifies the share of recently naturalized immigrants in the voting-age citizen population in the U.S.  This innovative, user-friendly tool, designed to illustrate the potential importance of this vote and help target resources for more effective efforts at registration and mobilization.  Newly naturalized citizens of voting age are approximately 3.6 percent of the voting-age citizen population.  While this number may seem small, the margin of victory in the 2004 election – the last time an incumbent was up for reelection – was only 2.6 percent in Nevada, a state where 5.1 percent of the voting age citizen population now consists of recently naturalized immigrants, meaning in the tightly contested 2012 Presidential election, this group will be critical.  Indeed, new citizens are located in many key areas across the nation that may be considered to “swing” the electoral outcome." - CSII, October 2012.