11 Apr 2016

Prosecuting Immigration Services Fraud - ABA Webinar

ABA, Mar. 30, 2016 - "This program was designed for law enforcement on investigating and prosecuting immigration services fraud.  This webinar, designed for law enforcement on investigating and prosecuting immigration services fraud, covers best practices for identifying victims and encouraging action in your own jurisdictions. Advocates who refer complaints to law enforcement will also benefit from the information shared.  Featured speakers from California, Maryland, New York and Texas share case examples and offer suggestions on identifying victims and handling cases.

Featured speakers include Tom Carter (Senior Attorney, Southwest Region, Federal Trade Commission), Rigo Reyes (Chief, Investigations & Consumer Protection, Department of Consumer and Business Affairs, County of Los Angeles), Mayerling Rivera (Director of the Immigrant Affairs Unit, New York County District Attorney's Office), Valeria Sartorio (Assistant Attorney General, Consumer Protection Division, Texas Office of the Attorney General), Curtis Zeager (Assistant State's Attorney, Montgomery County State's Attorney's Office, Maryland), and Debra Rogers (Deputy Associate Director, Customer Service and Public Engagement, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services)

The slides for the webinar presentation are now also available."