02 Feb 2017

Over 900 State Dept. Foreign Service Officers Sign Dissent Channel Memo Protesting Trump's Refugee/Travel Ban

Here's the memo.

Q&A with former diplomat, NPR, Feb. 1, 2017 - "KIESLING: Terrorism has been on the landscape for over a hundred years. The United States government has been protecting the U.S. borders for even longer than that. A system has evolved. It's not a perfect system, but it's pretty good. And it's staffed by professionals who are absolutely committed to protecting their country.

Now you have basically a group of idiots who have no idea how the world works who've come in and said, whatever the previous administration did can't possibly have worked; we're going to change it basically by kicking in the teeth everyone who's worked for a lifetime to protect the U.S.

SHAPIRO: That's very strong language.

KIESLING: But it's true.

SHAPIRO: The White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, said that dissenting State Department staff should get with the program, or they should go. What's your reaction to that as a former diplomat?

KIESLING: He does not understand that the American Foreign Service consular service is a bunch of experts highly trained to do a very specific job that needs to be done. And they will do that job. They will follow the orders they are given. But destroying the mechanism that protects the United States because people are disloyal - that's stupid."