11 Sep 2014

New Video Series on Immigration Law by LegalED & FWD.us

"Learn the Law from the World's Leading Law Professors and Lawyers.  We are excited to announce that we've teamed up with FWD.us to develop a series of educational videos about immigration law.  FWD's videographers filmed leading law professors on important topics related to immigration and immigration reform.  Take a look, here."

If you would like to contribute a video on immigration law, please contact an Immigration Law Curator:

Anju Gupta, Rutgers University School of Law (Newark), agupta@kinoy.rutgers.edu
Jennifer Koh, Western State University School of Law, jkoh@wsulaw.edu
Becky Sharpless, University of Miami School of Law, rsharpless@law.miami.edu
Jayashri Srikantiah, Stanford Law School, jsrikantiah@law.stanford.edu
Virgil Wiebe, University of St. Thomas School of Law, vowiebe@stthomas.edu

- LegalED