22 Nov 2016

New SPLC report uncovers abuse and neglect at immigrant detention centers in the South

SPLC, Nov. 21, 2016- "As President-elect Donald Trump prepares to deport up to 3 million people, an investigation of immigrant detention centers in the South has found that detainees are routinely denied their due process rights and frequently endure inhumane conditions in isolated facilities that have little oversight from the federal government.

The report, Shadow Prisons: Immigrant Detention in the South, details a seven-month investigation by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild (NIPNLG) and the Adelante Alabama Worker Center.

“President-elect Trump’s deportation plan could require a massive expansion of an already broken system and the creation of a prison infrastructure that will cost billions and only exacerbate our country’s mass incarceration problem,” said Lisa Graybill, SPLC deputy legal director.

The study is based in part on interviews by legal and human rights advocates with more than 300 immigrants held in six detention centers in Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Louisiana."