21 Dec 2011

New Haven mayor wants local voting rights for noncitizens

"DeStefano says that noncitizens, including undocumented immigrants, already work and pay taxes in the city and that allowing them to vote in municipal elections would encourage them to participate more in the community. His office says that two dozen other states have seen similar legislation and that many cities and towns allow for voting in local elections, but the secretary of the state said it would require an amendment to the state constitution for it to fly in Connecticut." - HuffPo, AP, Dec. 20, 2011
[See generally, the Immigrant Voting Project.  They note: "Historically, noncitizens have voted in local, state and federal elections in 40 states and federal territories.  Currently, noncitizens vote in seven jurisdictions in the United states, and another three towns have passed local laws but await state enabling legislation to implement. More than a dozen other cities are—or recently have—considered restoring immigrant voting rights."