14 Jul 2022

More Immigration Lowers Inflation: Study

The Link Between Consumer Prices, Labor Costs, and Immigration in the U.S.

Sean Maddan, Texas A&M International University, Claudia San Miguel, Texas A&M International University, Marcus A. Ynalvez, Texas A&M International University, July 11, 2022

"Key Findings

1. More migrant and more H-2A workers are related with lower inflation

2. More migrant and more H-2A workers are associated with higher average wages and minimum wages

3. More migrant and more H-2A workers are associated with lower unemployment

4. More denied petitions for naturalization are associated with larger consumer prices and higher inflation

5. More petitions for naturalization are associated with lower inflation


Overall, the findings in this study tended to support the conclusion that policies on non-citizen admissions and immigration have a profound association with the economy. The relationships denoted above are strong, statistically significant relationships (p