02 Jul 2019

Mass Video Tent Courts for Detained Border Asylum Applicants?

Debbie Nathan, The Intercept, June 28, 2019

"A TRUMP ADMINISTRATION program that banishes asylum-seekers to perilous Mexican border cities could expand exponentially — and disastrously — with a new plan to hold mass video proceedings in tents along the border. ...  the new plan is to erect giant tents, each one subdivided into several courts, and each court containing migrants but no judges, reporters, or observers. ... Immigrants trying to make their cases will be physically present for their hearings on the border. But the judges presiding by video will be hundreds or thousands of miles away, in cities such as San Francisco, New York, and Chicago. ... the tent scheme would put the entire immigration court system on track to break down. Nationally, the courts employ only about 400 judges. At the Capitol Hill meeting, DHS said that 200 will be reassigned to MPP cases. With only half of the judges left to handle their customary dockets, the average waiting time to resolve immigration cases, which is already two years, will likely increase."