30 May 2017

Land of the Free, But Only for Some - IDP Podcast

Immigrant Defense Project

"Indefensible is a podcast series brought to you by the Immigrant Defense Project. Over five episodes, producer Will Coley will bring you stories from people who are standing up and holding out; fighting to be with their families. They say they’re here to stay.  For a broader understanding of Indefensible’s goals, read IDP’s companion piece. 

Subscribe now on iTunesStitcherGoogle PlaySoundCloud or wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes will be released every Thursday from May 25th through June 29nd. Indefensible is made possible by support from the Four Freedoms Fund.

For press or media inquiries, please contact Michael Velarde, Director of Communications, at 646.762.8427 or at michael[at]immdefense[dot]org."