12 Jun 2013

Immigration Progress: A Good EB-5 Policy Memo Could Still Be Better

Angelo A. Paparelli writes: "French philosopher and aphorist, François-Marie Arouet, better known by his nom de plume, Voltaire, wrote in Italian that "Il meglio è l'inimico del bene [the perfect is the enemy of the good]."

The wisdom of this saying, championed by pragmatists everywhere, comes to mind upon reading a May 30, 2013 Policy Memorandum (PM) issued by the Department of Homeland Security component known as United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

The agency and its popular Director, Alejandro Mayorkas, must be commended for removing much of the entangling underbrush that has grown around the "Employment Creation" fifth preference immigrant visa category (EB-5) for an investor who places at risk either $500,000 or $1 million (depending on location) in a commercial venture projected to create at least 10 jobs for U.S. workers.

With the enthusiasm of a vigilant homeowner wielding a high-powered weed-whacker, USCIS's PM has obliterated many ambiguities and unanswered questions that had prevented the widely popular EB-5 investor program to reach its full potential.

In one document, USCIS offered a comprehensive set of interpretations that promises to allow the EB-5 category to flourish.  Gone are most of the lingering doubts about the viability of bridge financing, and the stultifying restrictions imposed by an overly granular application of multi-digit "NAICS" codes -- a numbering system known as the North American Industry Classification System that the U.S. Census Bureau uses to identify and monitor various types of business establishments.

Also welcome are clarifications concerning (a) the relative power of the states and USCIS to define Targeted Employment Areas or TEAs -- rural areas and areas with unemployment at or above 150% of the national unemployment rate; (b) the specific circumstances when USCIS-designated Regional Centers (public or private entities authorized to accept EB-5 funds and allow its foreign investors to count direct and indirect job creation in reaching the 10-jobs-per-investor minimum) may or must submit amended petitions in order to change business activities or location, or when prior favorable EB-5 determinations will be given "deference," i.e.,  binding effect; and (c) the very limited situations when a business plan that has been derailed by unforeseen changes might adversely affect the later USCIS decision whether to remove conditions on permanent residence.

Still, without striving for perfection, USCIS could have made the PM much better.  Here are my suggestions for EB-5 PM 2.0......" - June 9, 2013.