31 May 2024

Immigration and America's Workforce Shortage

Nebraska Chamber Foundation, Jan. 2024

"Workforce is the top competitive issue facing business in America. First, there is a lack of
workers with specific skills that has created severe shortages in critical occupations. Across the
country, states and communities are struggling to staff positions such as teachers, mechanics,
nurses, police officers, childcare workers, brick masons, carpenters, and engineers. Second, in
addition to a lack of workers with specific skills, there are not enough workers to meet current
demand. Survey after survey names finding enough workers with the right skills as a persistent
hindrance to business growth. In Nebraska, in a manufacturing focus group, the consensus was
a common refrain heard across the country: "Our business will look anywhere and everywhere
to find more workers."

The lack of available workers is a complex issue with no simple solution. Our country entered
2023 with near record low unemployment. Then, over the past twelve months, the economy
created almost 2.8 million additional jobs and the participation rate of prime working age adults
hit a 20-year high. In Nebraska, the workforce need is even more acute. The state has one of the
country's lowest unemployment rates and highest labor force participation rates, yet
consistently has well over 50,000 listed job openings. Nebraska's lack of workers is part of a
national crisis demanding bold action.

Without action, there are not, and will not be, enough young people coming into the workforce
to replace those that retire."