03 Oct 2012

Immigrant Fights for Florida Law License

"A Florida man's bid to become the first undocumented immigrant to obtain a law license in the United States met skepticism Tuesday from most of the state's Supreme Court justices.  Jose Godinez-Samperio came to the U.S. with his parents on visitors' visas when he was 9 years old, but the family never returned to Mexico.  He graduated from New College in Florida, earned a law degree from Florida State University and passed the state bar exam last year.  "He's somebody who has done everything he's supposed to do.  He complied with every rule," Godinez-Samperio's attorney and former American Bar Association president Talbot "Sandy" D'Alemberte, said after the hearing.  Godinez-Samperio's case is one of a few across the country. Undocumented immigrants in New York and California also want to practice law there." - Associate Press, Oct. 3, 2012.