17 Oct 2011

Illinois Attorney General Sues Fake Immigration Attorney

"Attorney General Lisa Madigan today filed suit against a Waukegan woman for fraudulently posing as a licensed attorney to immigrants seeking help with their status. Madigan said the defendant's illegal practices cheated immigrants out of their upfront payments and put them at risk for deportation.  Madigan filed the lawsuit in Lake County Circuit Court alleging Margaret Carrasco went to great lengths to mislead immigrants that she was a licensed attorney able to assist them by representing them at immigration hearings and helping with document preparation.  "Because the immigration process is so complex and consumers are often desperate for help, the environment is ripe for scam artists," Attorney General Madigan said. "This defendant completely misled consumers who needed help, taking their money and putting them at great risk for deportation.""

Illinois Attorney General, Oct. 14, 2011.

"Few researchers have been able to quantify the precise extent of the problem over the years. But a 2004 study published in the Georgetown Immigration Law Journal found that at least tens of thousands across the country are defrauded every year."

Chicago Reporter, Oct. 14, 2011.