22 Feb 2024

Humane Solutions That Work: 10 Ways The Biden Administration Should Reshape Immigration Policy

Heidi Altman, NIJC, Feb. 21, 2024

"For too long, extremist lawmakers and commentators have shaped the immigration debate through misinformation and rhetoric that demonizes people seeking safety and a better life. The result is a punitive, enforcement-oriented approach to immigration policy that has caused great harm and worsened humanitarian and operational challenges in the midst of a global increase in forced migration. The Biden administration must reclaim the narrative. Trying to out-do the extremists with increasingly harsh stances will never work politically and will come at an unbearable human cost. The administration should instead acknowledge immigrants’ deep connections to U.S. communities, champion their contributions to the United States, and uphold values of welcoming and respect for human rights. Following are 10 actions the administration can take now – without legislative action from Congress – to further immigration policies that actually work while embracing humanity and compassion..."