09 Mar 2017

Hawaii Sues Over Trump Travel Ban 2.0

Here is a link to the complaint.

"A federal judge in Hawaii has agreed to hear the first legal challenge to President Donald Trump's new travel ban on March 15 -- just hours before it is slated to go into effect. Attorneys for the state filed a new 40-page request just before midnight on Tuesday, asking a federal judge to issue a temporary restraining order blocking implementation of the new executive order. Trump signed a new executive order Monday banning foreign nationals from six Muslim-majority countries from entering the US for 90 days and banning all refugees for 120 days. In a statement, Hawaii attorney general Douglas Chin said the filings ask the court to declare sections 2 and 6 of Trump's executive order contrary to the constitution and federal law. "Sections 2 and 6 of the March 6, 2017 Executive Order violate the Immigration and Nationality Act by discriminating on the basis of nationality, ignoring and modifying the statutory criteria for determining terrorism-related inadmissibility, and exceeding the President's authority under the Immigration and Nationality Act," Chin said in a statement." - CNN, Mar. 9, 2017.

"President Trump's new Executive Order is antithetical to Hawaii's State identity and spirit," lawyers for the state wrote. "For many in Hawaii, including State officials, the Executive Order conjures up the memory of the Chinese Exclusion Acts and the imposition of martial law and Japanese internment after the bombing of Pearl Harbor." - Washington Post, Mar. 8, 2017.