03 Apr 2012

Guilty Plea in Massive Immigration Fraud Case

"EARL SETH DAVID, a/k/a "Rabbi Avraham David,” pled guilty today to operating a massive immigration fraud mill through his Manhattan-based law practice. ... From 1996 until early 2009, DAVID operated a Manhattan-based immigration law firm that made millions of dollars purportedly procuring legal immigration status for its clients. ... DAVID continued to operate the scheme even after he was suspended from practicing law in New York State in March 2004. He fled to Canada in 2006 after learning that his firm was under federal criminal investigation, and illicit profits from the scheme continued to be funneled to him via a Canadian bank account. ... DAVID, 48, of New York City, New York, pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit immigration fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud. He faces a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison. As part of his agreement, DAVID also agreed to forfeit at least $2,500,000." - DOJ, Apr. 2, 2012.