13 Jun 2015

Free Webinars: All You Need to Know About Immigration Enforcement

"This summer, join Advancing Justice | AAJC for a three-part webinar series, free and open to the public, exploring immigration enforcement through detention and deportation.

Enforcement-only approaches to immigration, such as workplace raids by immigration agents, local police enforcement of federal immigration laws, and punitive immigration measures adopted in 1996, have increased the detention and deportation of non-citizens, and resulted in more than 2 million deportations in the span of a few years. In this series, we hope to provide an overview of the immigration enforcement system as well as practical information for those affected directly by enforcement programs, as well as those who work on their behalf.

PART 1: Immigration Enforcement: Who, What, and Why You Should Care
Tuesday June 16, 2015 at 3pm-4pm EDT

What actors and programs enable the removal of people from their homes and workplaces? What do the deportation and detention processes actually entail? And why should the AAPI community care? Find out the answers to these questions and more as we cover the basics of immigration enforcement.


Prerna Lal is a staff attorney for immigration and immigrant rights at Advancing Justice | AAJC. 

Stephanie Camba is an undocumented, ***, Pilipin@ poet raised in the Marshall Islands and uprooted to the U.S. a week after 9/11 because food and water shipments to the islands were halted. She has worked on immigrant rights based direct action campaigns, created healing and wellness spaces for fellow undocuAPI folx, art based curriculum and workshops centered on experiences in the diaspora, and has used her art to highlight some of the challenges, thoughts, and feelings that she has experienced with status playing a central role in a large body of her work.

PART 2What Crimes Can Get You Deported?
Wednesday July 15, 2015

What sorts of criminal convictions or crimes can make someone a target for deportation, even if they are lawful permanent residents, or the incident happened decades in the past? Learn the surprising facts and get your questions answered.

PART 3Push Back Against Unjust Detention and Deportation
Thursday August 13, 2015

Despite executive actions announced by the President in November, local and federal enforcement officials cooperate to arrest, detain, and deport community members through old and new enforcement programs. Find out how you can get involved in your own community to fight unjust detention and deportation practices." - Advancing Justice | AAJC