09 Nov 2023

Free Webinar - Immigration Enforcement Mechanisms at the U.S. Southwest Border: The Only Constant is Change

ABA Commission on Immigration, ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice

Date: Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. ET

Format: Free non-CLE Webinar

Joint Sponsors: ABA Commission on ImmigrationABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice

The ABA Commission on Immigration and the ABA Section of the Civil Rights and Social Justice invite you to a webinar designed to offer up-to-date information on enforcement mechanisms at the southwest border including the implementation of the new, abbreviated removal process dubbed Circumvention of Lawful Pathways. Immigration enforcement at the U.S. southwest border has been an ongoing focal point for evolving policy and public discourse, but the manner in which the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) implements its enforcement actions at the border is often opaque.  

Since 2022, the American Bar Association’s Commission on Immigration has published and updated the Primer on Immigration Enforcement Mechanisms at the U.S. Border in an effort to make the dynamic subject of border enforcement accessible to a broad audience. The most recent release of the Primer includes an in-depth discussion of the mechanics and impact of the Biden Administration’s Circumvention of Lawful Pathways regulation, imposing additional steps and penalties for migrants attempting to enter the U.S. at the southern border. Join us as our panel of experts discusses the regulation, its impact, and the litigation challenging the right to seek asylum under domestic and international law. 


  • Melissa Crow – Director of Litigation, Center for Gender of Refugee Studies (CGRS), UC College of the Law, San Francisco  
  • Denise Gilman – Clinical Professor and Immigration Clinic Co-Director, University of Texas at Austin School of Law 
  • Laura Peña – Director, South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project (ProBAR) 
  • Amanda Bernardo – Deputy Director, Immigration Justice Project (IJP) 


Register HERE: https://www.americanbar.org/events-cle/mtg/web/436184807/

The Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice is the only ABA membership entity solely dedicated to the advancement of human rights, civil rights, civil liberties, and social justice. We invite you to become involved with critical legal and public policy issues by joining one or more Section committees. You may want to become part of a committee to learn more about developments in a particular issue area. Or you may choose to take a more active role by participating in or organizing specific activities. Whatever your area of interest or specialization, we have a home for you.  To get involved, join us here.

The Commission in Immigration directs the Association’s efforts to ensure fair treatment and full due process rights for immigrants, asylum-seekers, and refugees within the United States.