16 Sep 2021

Free Webcast: Migration in the Media - Telling the Stories (Sept. 22, 2021)

eCornell Keynotes - MIGRATION IN THE MEDIA - Telling the Stories - Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 12pm EDT

"In this moment of hyper-politicized border and migration issues, questions of representation are crucial. This roundtable of scholars, journalists, and practitioners will address the needs and challenges of producing stories about complex border issues along with the potential for different stories to effect real change. Our panelists are actively documenting, producing, circulating, and reflecting on migration stories through a range of media and will share from their own work, focusing especially on the contentious border spaces of the southern U.S. and southern Europe. This discussion is organized by the Migrations Initiative and co-sponsored by the East Asia Program, the Institute for European Studies, the Department of Sociology, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and the School of Public Policy.


  • Key questions that journalists, academics, and practitioners consider in producing and responding to stories and coverage of migration issues
  • How different media shape what stories get told and who they reach
  • How the politicization of migration affects what stories do and do not get told
  • The possibilities that different media and storytelling practices offer for challenging dominant narratives or providing more complex accounts
  • The role that images play in communicating migration and border issues to the public

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