11 May 2023

Expert: More Work Visas Needed to Stem Border Chaos

Doug Cunningham, UPI, May 11, 2023

"Cornell University Professor and immigration expert Stephen W. Yale-Loehr told UPI that the sharply divided Congress is unlikely to pass legislation on comprehensive immigration reform in time to prevent "chaos at the border" in the short term. "Too many people will want to enter, and there won't be enough Border Patrol agents to prevent a surge of illegal entries." But in his view, a just, comprehensive immigration reform would include more work visas, "so that people who want to work temporarily in the U.S. could enter legally rather than illegally." He also believes that the estimated 10 million people in the United States who are here illegally should be legalized "so that they can come out of the shadows." And finally, he said effective border security must be realized. "It is like three legs of a stool: All three legs are necessary for effective reform," he said."