17 May 2022

Expert: Latest Supreme Court Ruling Means More Lawyers Needed in Immigration Court (Law360)

Mike LaSusa, Law360, May 16, 2022

"The U.S. Supreme Court's Monday ruling barring judicial review of immigration courts' factual findings raises the stakes for noncitizens in immigration court proceedings, underscoring their need for adequate access to counsel. ... Noncitizens without legal representation are more likely to be affected because they don't have the help of legal professionals trained to watch out for potential errors by immigration adjudicators, said Stephen Yale-Loehr, an immigration law professor at Cornell University Law School. Yale-Loehr said legal aid programs can help address the disadvantages facing noncitizens who lack access to counsel. He encouraged immigration advocates to push for federal, state and local governments to fund such programs. "We need to make sure that every immigrant has good representation in immigration court," he said. "Given the many errors the immigration bureaucracy makes, many people will be denied their day in court because of this decision."