28 Dec 2018

Expert: EB-5 Investor Visa Program Needs Clarity from Congress, USCIS

Jodi Xu Klein, South China Morning Post, Dec. 29, 2018 - "With a sharp uptick in Chinese applications for the visa programme known as EB-5, waiting times for applicants to obtain US residency have tripled to as long as 15 years. But the programme has no clear guidelines about what happens to the investments during that time, creating more risk. “It’s a guessing game. Everybody is trying to figure out what to do and it’s a huge problem,” said Stephen Yale-Loehr, a lawyer at Ithaca, New York-based law firm Miller Mayer and an immigration law professor at Cornell Law School. ... As Yale-Loehr put it, “the industry and investors need clarity, but nobody is holding their breath. They desperately need Congress to act on increasing quota to alleviate the backlog, but that’s not anywhere on the horizon either. “Unfortunately, I don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.”"