19 Jan 2013

DHS Statement Will Force States to Review Driver License Policies

"The Department of Homeland Security clarified Friday that undocumented youth who are given work permits and deportation reprieve under the deferred action program are considered to be lawfully present in the United States.  The updated guidelines posted on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website state “an individual who has received deferred action is authorized by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to be present in the United States, and is therefore considered by DHS to be lawfully present during the period deferred action is in effect.” ... Jose Peñalosa, an immigration attorney in Arizona, told VOXXI these new guidelines now make it difficult for states—like Arizona, Iowa and Michigan—to deny driver’s licenses to deferred action recipients.  “Arizona is in a very difficult position now because DHS has spoken and has said these individuals do have a lawful presence in the country, and the state has to respect that,” he told VOXXI." - Griselda Nevarez, Jan. 18, 2013.