01 Jan 2012

Deportation looms for DREAMer; so much for prosecutorial discretion!

"Earlier this year, the Obama Administration terminated NSEERS, a post-911 program that targeted and placed non-citizen Muslim men from over 24 countries in deportation proceedings.  But the termination provides no relief for thousands of immigrants who face deportation as a result of the program. Hadi Zayed Zaidi, a Pakistani-American who was brought here at the age of 4, is one such immigrant who was registered with the NSEERS program when he was just 16 — a minor. Two weeks ago, ICE agents raided Hadi’s home and took him into custody. He has been detained ever since and faces separation from his legal permanent resident parents as he awaits imminent deportation to Pakistan. Please take immediate action to stop Hadi’s deportation to a country he hasn’t been to since he was 4 years old." - Prerna Lal, Dec. 27, 2011.