13 Oct 2014

Crossing Alone: An Untimely Death Without Explanation

"Gloria Jerónimo Sales cried softly in an autumn rain as she gently wiped splatters of mud from her 17-year-old son's tomb.  Mario Morales Jerónimo died in the custody of U.S. government officials nearly three years ago, but his mother said she has received no official word of his cause of death.  "What they did to you there," she told her son at his hillside grave, "only you know."  If Morales had been an adult and died in the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, it would have triggered notifying the heads of eight Congressional committees, the Inspector General and the media.  Because he was under 18 and in the custody of a different federal agency, the Office of Refugee Resettlement, there were no such requirements." - Susan Carroll, Houston Chronicle, Oct. 8, 2014.