18 Jul 2014

Click 150 Times If You 'Like' ELIS

"USCIS’ IT systems do not fully provide the functionality needed to support its mission. For example, as part of its Transformation program, USCIS created ELIS, an electronic immigration system. The aim of ELIS is to provide a more efficient and higher quality adjudication process. However, instead of improved efficiency, time studies conducted by service centers show that adjudicating on paper is at least two times faster than adjudicating in ELIS.16 Immigration services officers take longer to adjudicate in ELIS in part because of the estimated 100 to 150 clicks required to move among sublevels and open documents to complete the process. Staff also reported that ELIS does not provide system features such as tabs and highlighting, and that the search function is restricted and does not produce usable results." - DHS OIG, July 14, 2014.