28 Apr 2014

Charles Schumer Promises Immigration Reform This Summer

"Immigration reform will be passed this summer, Sen. Charles Schumer predicted Monday during a visit to the 12th annual Daily News/CUNY Citizenship NOW! immigration call-in.  “I want to let you in on a little secret.  We are going to pass that bill and sign it into law this year," said the New York Democrat, one of the authors of a Senate immigration bill that would provide a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants, overhaul the current system and boost border enforcement.  A reform measure is now stalled in the House.  “We will have an immigration bill — it may not be exactly the Senate bill — on the floor of the House ...  We will come to an agreement.  They will put that bill on the President's desk for President Obama to sign into law," Schumer said." - Erica Pearson, NY Daily News, Apr. 28, 2014.