11 Oct 2011

California Bucks E-Verify Trend

"Over this past weekend, Governor Jerry Brown of California signed into law Assembly Bill 1236 “the Employment Acceleration At of 2011,” which effectively nullifies the growing patchwork of E-Verify laws, requirements and ordinances which have sprouted up all over the state during the past several years. Under the new law, neither the state of California nor any of its cities, counties, or special districts can require an employer (other than a government entity) to use E-Verify as a condition of receiving a government contract, applying for or maintaining a business license, or as a penalty for violating licensing or other similar laws. It’s important to note that California employers are still free to use E-Verify on a voluntary basis or as required by federal contracts – this law merely prohibits California government agencies (in all shapes and sizes) from forcing any employer to use E-Verify for the reasons mentioned above."

John Fay, Oct. 10, 2011.