06 Nov 2013

Border Patrol Rejects Curbs on Use of Force

"Border Patrol agents will be allowed to continue using deadly force against rock-throwers, the chief of the agency said, despite the recommendation of a government-commissioned review to end the practice.  The Police Executive Research Forum, a nonprofit group that advises law enforcement agencies, recommended that the Border Patrol and its parent agency, Customs and Border Protection, stop the use of deadly force against rock throwers and assailants in vehicles, Border Patrol Chief Mike Fisher said.  CBP rejected both recommendations, which were part of a broader internal review of the agency’s use-of-force policies and practices that began last year.  The measures were not included in a revised policy announced on Sept. 25 that calls for more training and better record-keeping." - Elliot Spagat, AP, Nov. 6, 2013.