21 Jun 2021

Biden Eyes Ending Trump's Illegal Title 42 Blockade

Stef W. Kight, Axios, June 20, 2021

"The White House is considering ending — as early as July 31 — the use of a Trump-era public health order that's let U.S. border officials quickly turn back migrant families to Mexico, Axios has learned. ... President Biden has been briefed on a plan for stopping family expulsions by the end of July, as well as the option of letting a court end it, Axios has learned.  The administration has been in negotiations with the ACLU, which has put a temporary hold on its lawsuit targeting the practice of expelling families.  Details of internal discussions relayed to Axios show top administration officials have suggested Biden seize the initiative by ending the order, which has been sharply criticized by immigration advocates and many of his fellow Democrats.  They argue that allowing the ACLU to sue would force the Justice Department to defend Trump's policy.  That, in turn, could result in sensitive information being released through the litigation process and could be seen as contradictory to Biden's commitment to asylum."