29 Aug 2022

Barcode Bracelet Battle

Sonia Rincón, ABC7NY, August 25, 2022

"Five buses filled with migrants from Texas arrived in New York City Thursday, one day after dozens of migrants arrived wearing bracelets with bar codes. City officials said they had heard stories about the bracelets but hadn't seen them on migrants in New York City until Wednesday. According to the city, officials were alarmed when they discovered that nearly all 237 migrants were wearing the barcode bracelets that day. The bracelets were cut off as soon as the migrants got off the buses at the Port Authority. ... Texas Governor Greg Abbott's office said the bracelets are protocol when processing the migrants, comparing them to plane tickets. "The bracelets hold each migrant's information and the voluntary consent waivers they sign upon boarding that they agree on the destination," the latest statement from his press office reads.  It's thought the barcodes were being used as tracking devices to try to keep asylum seekers from leaving the bus until they get to New York City or Washington, D.C. ... As for the bar codes, Castro said they are a way to intimidate people to stay on the bus. "We've heard from asylum seekers that feel they are being trapped because of these bracelets," he said. "These bracelets, we don't know much about why they are being used or what is their intention, but we know that it has scared asylum seekers."