10 Feb 2012

Backlash Against 'Self-Deportation,' Kobach Growing

"Kobach’s supporters are barking back now. The legislators and taxpayers who bought into his schemes to make the lives of illegal immigrants so hellish that they “self-deport.”  The editorial board of the Press-Register in Mobile, Ala., accused Kobach of banking on exactly what happened there — costly court challenges and a wide-range of unintended consequences for legal residents.  “Alabama allowed itself to be used as a guinea pig on illegal immigration so that a Kansas lawyer could build his political career,” the editorial said.  So Alabama’s legislature has gone to work, figuring out how to rewrite or repeal the damage done by Kobach’s handiwork, measures passed in 2011." - Mary Sanchez, Kansas City Star, Feb. 9, 2012.

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2012/02/08/3418477/backlash-against-kobach-on-immigration.html#storylink=cpy