31 Jul 2013

Analyst Predicts CIR Will Tank in House

"As the immigration battle shifts to the House, word has spread among activists that Wong might be the Nate Silver of immigration reform — the go-to data geek with the crystal ball.  But Wong doesn't just want to predict the future. He also wants to change it, by giving immigrant-rights advocates the statistical ammunition they need to influence lawmakers.  The UC San Diego assistant professor recently led a conference call with about 30 advocacy groups, including Mark Zuckerberg's Fwd.us. Still more pro-reform organizations joined a second phone call to talk about his projections.  This time, he would like to be proven wrong. His models show a range of measures, including a path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants in the country illegally, flaming out in the House." - Cindy Chang, L.A. Times, July 30, 2013.