24 Apr 2017

Advocates announce $500,000 legal defense fund for undocumented immigrants in Baltimore

Baltimore Sun, Apr. 20, 2017- "Advocates announced a new $500,000 legal defense fund Thursday for undocumented immigrants in Baltimore in response to a series of high-profile federal immigration arrests here. ... The advocates have raised $225,000 of the $500,000 they say is needed to provide enough legal services. The Open Society Institute contributed $100,000, the Annie E. Casey Foundation contributed $100,000, and the Baltimore Community Foundation contributed $25,000. The advocates are seeking more contributions from both small and large donors. For every two dollars contributed to the fund, Open Society says it will provide another dollar. The legal defense fund, called Safe City Baltimore, is based on similar programs in New York and Chicago. Money will go to educating immigrants on their rights before any federal action; planning to protect families from being deported or separated, such as filing for asylum or applying for children's passports; and fighting cases if arrests are made."