20 May 2024

A Match Made in New York: Job Openings and Immigrants

Prof. Stephen W. Yale-Loehr, May 17, 2024

"New York has over 470,000 open jobs across all sectors. The health care industry is still reeling from the pandemic, when 20% of all health care workers left the field. The number of jobs available in that field is outpacing the number of people available to fill them. According to a report from the Center for Health Workforce Studies at the University of Albany, there are an estimated 14,000 annual job openings for registered nurses alone. Numbers like these may sound insurmountable, but one solution is staring us right in the face: the more than 150,000 newly arrived migrants in New York looking for a chance to work hard and build better lives for their families."

Stephen Yale-Loehr is professor of immigration law practice at Cornell Law School.