02 Dec 2011

A jury found him to be a U.S. citizen; ICE deported him anyway

"In next year's Statistical Yearbook and press releases, Esteban Tiznado-Reynes' deportation Tuesday morning from the Florence Service Processing Center to Mexico will be used to show Immigration and Custom Enforcement's (ICE) efficacy in ridding the country of 'criminal aliens.' But the truth is that in his case and thousands of others, ICE is disregarding the rules for handling probative evidence of U.S. citizenship,and unlawfully deporting people.  Ignoring information from a local non-profit about a 2008 trial in which a jury believed Tiznado's evidence of U.S. citizenship and thus found him 'not guilty' of 'Illegal Reentry' (a charge predicated on alienage), ICE agents Monday refused to heed Tiznado's plea to appear in an immigration court and simply dumped him Mexico." - Jacqueline Stevens, Nov. 30, 2011.