17 Jul 2012

$143K Class Action Judgment Against N.C. Notarios

Katharine Woomer-Deters writes: "Wanted to share this judgment we got in June 2012 against a local notario for $142,655.00 on behalf of a plaintiff class of approximately 275 former customers of the notario. The judgment has not been appealed, so is now a final judgment.  We did not have a private right of action under our state law, so we sued for unfair and deceptive trade practices and negligence per se.  While we lost on unfair trade practices at summary judgment, we won on  negligence per se.  Now, our state law has been amended to provide a private right of action against unauthorized practitioners of law.  Hope this judgment is helpful to anyone out there working on civil cases against notarios."  - Guillen Mendoza v. Global Enterprises, Superior Court, Wake County, 10-CVS-200, June 7, 2012.

Katharine Woomer-Deters
Managing Attorney, Civil Litigation
Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project - North Carolina
North Carolina Justice Center
P.O. Box 28068
224 S. Dawson St.
Raleigh, NC  27611
Phone:  919-861-2072
Fax:  919-856-2175