18 Jan 2013

USCIS Adds More Policy Webinar Dates

"On January 7, 2013, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) launched the first phase of its new policy manual. This initial release begins the process of providing a single online reference for USCIS policies. The first phase of the policy manual covers citizenship and naturalization. Future releases will add benefit types and will gradually expand to cover all USCIS policies. 

USCIS will host a series of webinars in January 2013 to give interested individuals an opportunity to learn about the policy manual and ask questions about its use and features. 

Due to overwhelming interest, USCIS has added the following dates: 


Time (all times Eastern)

Tuesday, January 29

1 – 2 p.m.

Wednesday, January 30

1 – 2 p.m.

To Participate in a Session:

Any interested parties may participate in these webinars. If you wish to attend, please email the Public Engagement Division at Public.Engagement@uscis.dhs.gov no later than the day before the session.

To participate in a particular session, please reference the following in the subject line: 

To Participate In the Session On

Please Reference

Tuesday, January 29

Policy Manual – January 29

Wednesday, January 30

Policy Manual – January 30

Please include your full name and the organization you represent in the body of the email.

Following your registration, we will provide an email confirmation with additional details about how to participate in the webinar you selected." - USCIS, Jan. 18, 2013.