17 Jun 2022

Texas Supreme Court on Immigration Detention, Licensure, Standing: Grassroots Leadership v. TDFPS

Grassroots Leadership v. TDFPS

"In this suit, we determine whether the plaintiffs have standing to challenge a Department of Family and Protective Services licensing rule governing immigration detention centers. The court of appeals concluded that the plaintiffs—detained mothers, their children, a day-care operator, and an organization representing their interests— lacked standing to sue. Because the detained mothers and their children allege concrete personal injuries traceable to the adoption of the rule, we hold that they have standing. Accordingly, without hearing oral argument, we grant the petition for review and reverse the court of appeals’ judgment. We remand to the court of appeals for consideration of the parties’ remaining jurisdictional issues and the merits, as appropriate."

[Hats off to Robert Doggett, Jerome Wesevich, Amy Warr and Nicholas Bacarisse!]