11 Jan 2016

Raids Webinar, Wed. Jan. 13, 2016

Immigration Raids: Update, Advocacy Strategies, Legal Strategies, and Resources - "This webinar will help advocates respond to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids. ICE has targeted recently-arrived Central American families with removal orders, and plans additional raids. The panel will share information on what we know so far; and, legal and advocacy efforts, strategies, and resources. The panelists are Paromita Shah, Associate Director, National Immigration Project / National Lawyers Guild; Carolina Canizales, National Deportation Defense Coordinator, United We Dream; Michelle Mendez, Training and Legal Support Attorney, CLINIC, and Coordinator of CLINIC's role in the CARA Pro Bono Project; and Rex Chen, Mentor Attorney, Safe Passage Project, and Adjunct Professor, Child Advocacy Clinic, St. John's University School of Law."