20 Aug 2021

Public Charge ANPRM

This document is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on 08/23/2021.

"Under provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) administers the public charge ground of inadmissibility as it pertains to applicants for admission and adjustment of status. DHS is publishing this advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) to seek broad public feedback on the public charge ground of inadmissibility that will inform its development of a future regulatory proposal. DHS intends to propose a rule that will be fully consistent with law; that will reflect empirical evidence to the extent relevant and available; that will be clear, fair, and comprehensible for officers as well as for noncitizens and their families; that will lead to fair and consistent adjudications and thus avoid unequal treatment of the similarly situated; and that will not otherwise unduly impose barriers on noncitizens seeking admission to or adjustment of status in the United States. DHS also intends to ensure that its regulatory proposal does not cause undue fear among immigrant communities or present other obstacles to immigrants and their families accessing public services available to them, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting long-term public health and economic impacts in the United States. DHS welcomes input from individuals, organizations, government entities and agencies, and all other interested members of the public. Comments will be most helpful if they clearly identify the questions to which they are responding, offer concrete proposals, and/or articulate support or opposition to current or prior DHS public charge policies, and cite to relevant laws, regulations, data, and/or studies. DHS is also providing notice of public virtual listening sessions on the public charge ground of inadmissibility and this ANPRM."