09 Jul 2017

Practice Advisory: Working with Child Clients and Their Family Members in Light of the Trump Administration’s Focus on “Smugglers”

Public Counsel and Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc., July 2017 - "Both the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice recently issued memoranda prioritizing the targeting of parents and family members who helped facilitate a child’s illegal entry into the United States. Parents and family members of children in removal proceedings are thus at increased risk of being placed in removal proceedings themselves, in addition to facing federal criminal charges, if the government believes that they have “facilitated” a child’s unlawful entry into the United States.

This practice advisory is designed for practitioners representing child clients in removal proceedings or advising family members of child clients in removal proceedings. As reports of ICE arresting parents and family members emerge, the goal of this advisory is to provide guidance and suggestions to practitioners on best practices for mitigating the risk of civil immigration enforcement or criminal prosecution of family members of children in removal proceedings."