11 Sep 2023

Passport/Citizenship Victory (Declaratory Judgment) in Chicago: Arthur-Price v. Blinken

Arthur-Price v. Blinken

"Maameamba Arthur-Price applied for a passport and was denied on the ground that she is not a U.S. citizen. Arthur-Price has sued for a declaration of her U.S. citizenship, claiming she was born in Oakland, California in January 1980. That is, in fact, what Arthur-Price was told and believes. The government contends that Arthur-Price was born overseas and opposes her claim in this case. ... [T]he Court concludes that it is more likely than not that Arthur-Price was born in Oakland, California. Thus, the Court grants her request under 8 U.S.C. § 1503(a) for a declaratory judgment that she is a U.S. citizen by virtue of her birth in the United States. ... For the reasons stated above, the Court directs the Clerk to enter judgment in favor of plaintiff and against the defendant declaring that Maameamba Arthur-Price is a U.S. citizen and national by virtue of her birth in the United States."

[Hats waaaayyy off to Stephen L. Tyma (of counsel,)  Christina J. Murdoch, Kathryn R. Weber and Scott D. Pollock!  From personal experience, I know exactly how difficult these cases are!]