17 Feb 2022

New Documents Surface in Forced Labor / Wage Theft Case Against CoreCivic

My hero, Andrew Free, reports:

"For those considering how labor litigation challenge contractors abuses of so-called “Volunteer” Work Programs may lend support to folks inside ICE’s for-profit human cages, please find attached a Memo regarding new filings in the Owino v. CoreCivic case.

Several CoreCivic documents that recently went on the docket in the forced labor/wage theft case against CoreCivic’s Otay Mesa Detention Center currently pending before Judge Sammartino in the Southern District of California offer new insight into the extent and scope of labor violations the company routinely uses to operate its facility and enhance profitability.

The documents, filed as part of a contested status report by counsel for the Owino Class, contain evidence of the deprivation schemes and labor exploitation we’ve been alleging in CoreCivic’s and, more broadly, in ICE’s civil immigration detention centers for several years. While some of these documents were filed under seal, and are thus inaccessible, others weren’t. Below is a summary of what we learned from public-facing docket entries that are not under seal.

The case is Owino v. CoreCivic, Inc., No. 3:17-cv-01112-JLS-NLS (S.D. Cal.)."